"Fancy Furtopia Web Lister"

What is it?   "Fancy Furtopia Web Lister" is designed to display your artwork and files in an easy to use format.  The web lister automatically runs when ever a web page (index) is not found.

This new feature makes it VERY fast and easy to share your art, stories, poetry and music even if you don't know anything about making a web page!  If this is the case, just use FTP to create some "folders" naming them to the art categories or groups you separate your art into.  ("Color Artwork", "BW Sketches" and "Adult Artwork" are good examples of creating groups for sorting your art.)  Then just upload your pictures to your categories and you are done!  See: http://www.testme.furtopia.org .  You can also easily put descriptions onto your pictures by clicking the "add desc" link.

Now, for more advanced users, you can now COMPLETELY customize your lister on your site (to match your page) while keeping all the benefits of speed and ease of use.  By creating a css folder (which can hold a standard "css/styles.css" file) the web designer can ALSO control program features of the lister by adding different files.

For starters, if you would like your own look/feel, you can add a "css/header.html" and/or "css/footer.html" file to your listed directory.  If the lister finds these files (inside a "css" directory!) it will insert your custom header/footer from the "current folder being listed".  I recommend you place any web images you DON'T want thumbnailed into the CSS directory and call it < img src="css/mylogo.jpg" > (remove the spaces) to access these files that won't be in your gallery but used in the header/footer.

Note: The Furtopia indexer now supports "master" headers and footers.  A master header/footer is one single set of header/footer files that works over your entire site wherever you use the indexer.  You do this by placing a "css/mheader.html" and "css/mfooter.html" to your top(ie: root/home) directory's css folder.  The indexer will read these master files and apply them for ALL directories where the indexer is used.  Though you may still use custom "css/header.html" and "css/footer.html" in any folder you don't want a master header/footer to load.

Example: "www.testme.furtopia.org/color_art/css/header.html" = the indexer will only use this header for this folder only.   "www.testme.furtopia.org/css/mheader.html" = the indexer will use this header through out the whole web site where indexer is used.

Web owners can also turn off ANY part of the lister you don't want to display by creating an empty often -nonamed- file within the "css" directory.  Below are the filenames you can create and what they do.

Just create a file with the name below and place inside the /css directory.

  1. noheader = A file of this name turns off displaying the header.
  2. nomenubar = A file of this name turns off the top Furtopia menu bar.
  3. noimage = A file of this name turns off the thumbnail gallery.
  4. nodirectory = A file of this name turns off directory listing.
  5. nofiles = A file of this name turns off file listing.
  6. nofooter = A file of this name turns off displaying the footer.
  7. autosize = Displays an image size you choose for all images in directory (Useful for displaying unsized images, see below)*
Masterfiles("m" in the front filename):  Placing a mnomenubar, mnoimage, mnodirectory, mnofiles, and/or mnofooter in your top (ie: root/home) "css" folder will 'turn off' that function for your entire site where ever Furtopia indexer is used.

So, between all these options a member with little html/ftp knowledge can make their lister appear any way they wish.  This can be handy if you want to make an art page that matches your web site scheme/colors and still keep the speed and ease of adding art the lister gives.

*=autosize :  This is a new feature to the Furtopia indexer.  By using this feature the indexer will autosize ALL images displayed sized to the width given.  This can be VERY useful when say you have a lot of images of large (camera) or random sizes (old art) and want all your images to be shown at the same size for pleasant and fast loading.  NOTE:  The autosize feature does not alter or change your original art in any way.  It is just displayed in the proper size YOU chose.

There are two ways to turn on "autosize".  The easy way is to click on the "SETUP" button on your indexer.  One of the options there is to turn on autosize.  Giving a value here of "0" turns off autosize.  Any other number (from 10 to 2500 : 700 is recommended) will have all your images resized and displayed to that width (height is kept to the proper proportion for the new width) for all images across your entire site when Furtopia indexer displays them (image display size will not be changed in your web pages) on your web site.

You can also turn on (or off) "autosize" in individual directories!  To do this just create a file by the name of "autosize" with a text editor (Example:  Notepad) and put in this file JUST the number (no spaces) you wish for your width (10 to 2500 : 700 recommended) to display.  Then FTP this file into a "css" folder that resides in the directory you wish to customize "autosize". Note:  This file also overrides the global "button-SETUP autosize" setting in the directory you place a css/autosize file.  So this is useful along with global autosize as you can turn off (or change) autosize in your chosen directories.

Web account owners, if so desired, can turn "off" Fancy Furtopia Web Lister and return to the standard apache directory listing.  To do so, simply contact Furtopia staff at admin2@furtopia.org or create a text file called ".htaccess" with the line "DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.htm index.php index.php3 default.htm index.shtml" and place it into your root web directory.

If you need any help running/setting up your lister go to our support forum: forums.furtopia.org

"Fancy Frutopia Web Lister" is copyright August, 2004 by Gene Angel and Kaycy Ruffer.