~I Will Be There~
By Manethran

I will be there,
Though the universe crumbles,
Though time itself turns to dust,
Into the abyss with mind clear,
And heart bared,

I will be there,
Though life itself stumbles,
Though man made machines rust,
Into eternity without fear,
Two souls now shared,

I wil be there.
Through struggle and strife,
Through all that life throws,
In my arms you are safe,
Protected till that day of end,

I will be there,
To support you through life,
As our love grows,
I will not let my bonds on you chafe,
One that is now more than a friend,

I will be there,
Though all the stars explode,
Though the Wheel of Time stops,
Into the future with eyes open,
And arms wide,

I will be there,
As we travel life's sorted road,
Though the very sun from the heavens drops,
Holding you close with a grin,
And a heart full of pride.